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Interconnectedness [CD] Ananda Giri

Interconnectedness [CD]
Ananda Giri

Artikel-Nr. 31409 Erhältlich seit 20.03.2012 Label/Marke Kosmic Music EAN/UPC 0874830000017 Preisvergünstigungen

18,95 €
9,95 €
Sie sparen 47 %
inkl. 19%

USt. Gratis-Versand ab 20 €*

Sofort lieferbar

The One World Meditation Interconnectedness is a guided meditation delivered by One World Academy Senior Faculty member Ananda Giri. Interconnectedness is a remembrance of all the people and life that is responsible for our physical, mental and spiritual wellness. It is an acknowledgement and expression of our gratitude to everyone and everything that has defined us. The Interconnectedness meditation is about understanding the interdependent nature of all existence and the inseparability of all life. Practicing this meditation on a regular basis will cause a transformation in our thinking and actions. Our actions will no more be limited or isolated to ourselves but will include the well being of others. We will realize how connected we are to each other that we are one and not separate.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Meditation, geführt, Sale