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With its organic, soul-touching, live feel, Snatam's latest album, Heartflow, seamlessly blends traditional kirtan music of Northern lndia, spirit-raising anthems, folk tunes, and deeply personal compositions. Heartflow was recorded at El Desierto Casa Estudio in Mexico with her touring band Ram Dass, Grecco Buratto, and Sukhmani Rayat, and features celebrated vocalist/violinist Jahnavi Harrison and classical Indian singer Ganavya as guests on the project. The album draws upon traditional kirtan elements with tabla and harmonium instrumentation accompanying chants in the
Sikh language, Gurmukhi, while also extending into English folk tunes with rich acoustic guitars and stirring, layered vocals. The album is an eclectic mix of music from Snatam's own musical roots and experience that illustrate her journey of healing after her experience of loss and betrayal in
discovering the harm that had been caused by her former spiritual teacher.
Spirit Voyage Music - 15806 Woodgrove Road - Purcellville, VA, USA -
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Responsible person for the EU if manufacturer is not based in the EU:
SILENZIO AG - Badstraße 131 - 91349 Egloffstein - Tel.: 09197 6266280 -
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SE_Varning: Ljud-CD / inga särskilda säkerhetsåtgärder krävs.
PL_Ostrzezenie: Płyta audio CD / nie są wymagane żadne specjalne środki bezpieczeństwa.
Snatam Kaur
Source of Strength [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Meditation of the Soul...
Meditation of the Soul: Jap Ji Daily Practice & Learning Tool by Snatam Kaur is a 2 CD and Book set designed as an aid to all levels of students to strengthen their practice with Jap Ji.
32.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga: Rechar...
Kundalini Yoga class with music
28.90 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Sat Nam [CD]
Snatam's second album of vibrant songs and mantras for children
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Gurmukh & Snatam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga for a S...
28.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur & Kater, P...
Heart of the Universe ...
a ground-breaking musical partnership between multi-Grammy Award nominated pianist, Peter Kater, and renowned Sacred Chantress, Snatam Kaur
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Evening Prayer [CD]
Snatam Kaut accompanied by Benji Wertheimer and his Esraj
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Gurmukh & Snatam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga for Cir...
Gurmukh and Snatam Kaur come together again to teach this engaging Kundalini Yoga and meditation class accompanied by incredible live music by Snatam Kaur & Thomas Barquee
28.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Gurmukh & Snatam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga - Healt...
Kundalini Yoga teaching with music
28.90 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Divine Birth [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Prabhu Nam Kaur feat. ...
Seasons of the Soul [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur - Meditati...
Experience and Project...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Liberation's Door [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Shanti the Yogi [DVD]
22.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur - Meditati...
Merge & Flow [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur - Meditati...
Connect & Heal [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Guru Ganesha Singh & S...
Joy is Now [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Prabhu Nam Kaur & Snat...
Mother's Blessing [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
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