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For years both musicians have been dealing with music and instruments of native cultures which they combine with modern technology - NATIVE FUTURE. Bodo Schopf and Büdi Siebert a present more than 40 instruments on this album, from electronics to instruments of native people. Both work with a looper, where they candub recorded sequences and continue to play them. The sequences will be accompanied by the performance of more. Moreover the audience will experience an evening with extraordinary sounds, from natural instruments to synthesizers, simple melodies, experimental improvisations, deep grooves and trance rhythms.
Bodo Schopf and Buedi Siebert are two musicians with decades of musical experience on stage and in studios. In their career they have performed with renowned artists such as Falco, Udo Lindenberg, Bap, Pur, Ralf Illenberger, Andreas Vollenweider, Eric Burdon, The Sweet, Michel Schenker Group, Eloy, Jack Bruce and Wolfgang Dauner. Both obtained Gold and Platinum awards, participated in many television shows and on videos. As studio musicians they have been involved in more than 500 CD productions and have been live in countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Turkey, Africa, Egypt, Russia and across Europe.
Araucaria Music - Büdi Siebert - Pforzheimer Str. 69, 72202 Nagold -
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Responsible person for the EU if manufacturer is not based in the EU:
SILENZIO AG - Badstraße 131 - 91349 Egloffstein - Tel.: 09197 6266280 -
DE_Warnhinweise: Audio–CD / keine besonderen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erforderlich.
EN_Warning: Audio CD / no special safety measures required.
ES_Advertencia: CD de audio / no se requieren medidas de seguridad especiales.
IT_Avvertenza: CD audio / non sono necessarie misure di sicurezza particolari.
FR_Attention: CD audio / aucune mesure de sécurité particulière requise.
NL_Waarschuwing: Audio-cd / geen speciale veiligheidsmaatregelen vereist.
SE_ Varning: Ljud-CD / inga särskilda säkerhetsåtgärder krävs.
PL_Ostrzezenie: Płyta audio CD / nie są wymagane żadne specjalne środki bezpieczeństwa.
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