Movement Medicine - How to Awaken, Embody and Dance…..[Buch] Darling-Khan, Susannah & Ya'Acov

Movement Medicine - How to Awaken, Embody and Dance…..[Buch]
Darling Khan, Susannah & Ya'Acov

Product no. 80077 Available since 04.04.2014 Label Movement Medicine Shop EAN/UPC 9781848501447 Price reductions

19.90 €
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Susannah And Ya'Acov Darling Khan's book about Movement Medicine. It's poetic, practical, personal. It offers Movement Medicine 'recipes' for personal practice, whilst situating personal development in the global picture of challenge and opportunity we humans have created for ourselves. Now also translated into French and German. Review: “Susannah and Ya’Acov's book is just so readable, in particular the personal bits that brought the pages alive and validated my vulnerability in being human. My spiritual side so loved the delicious recipes, the intention and purpose written clearly in easy to follow instructions and most of all the way it resonated with a big "yes" from within my soul!” Francine Swaby

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