Aura Essence Archangel Michael Ingrid Auer

MICHAEL Engel-Aura-Essenz Spray
Ingrid Auer

Product no. 74001 Available since 21.11.2013 Label Ingrid Auer EAN/UPC 4036067740012 Price reductions

28.95 €
1 l = 289.50 €
incl. 19%

VAT, plus delivery

Available immediately

calmness – protection – feeling of security – justice – faith – support with stress Angel and Master Aura Essences are sprayed into the electromagnetic field of the body, and can strengthen, cleanse and protect the aura energetically. They are aimed for daily use, but can also help with all sorts of energy work. They are particularly suitable for increasing and improving the energies in living areas, meditation rooms, schools, offices, sick rooms, cars or aeroplanes. All products are based on the vibratory principle. They are NOT MEDICINES an do not replace doctors or medicines. They serve the harmonisation of the aura and chakras.

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