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Beyond the horizon, lies “La Montagne Sacrée“ (The Sacred Mountain), a wonderful initiatory odyssey of the human soul, which invites us to the reliance between our Being and the Source of life. Michel Pépé offers us a timeless and elevating experience for the Spirit, which leads us into a profound inner harmony. Discover an ascending music of rare beauty, at the same time radiant and serene.
DG Diffusion - Z.I. de Bogues – FR 31750 Escalquens -
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Responsible person for the EU if manufacturer is not based in the EU:
SILENZIO AG - Badstraße 131 - 91349 Egloffstein - Tel.: 09197 6266280 -
DE_Warnhinweise: Audio–CD / keine besonderen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erforderlich.
EN_Warning: Audio CD / no special safety measures required.
ES_Advertencia: CD de audio / no se requieren medidas de seguridad especiales.
IT_Avvertenza: CD audio / non sono necessarie misure di sicurezza particolari.
FR_Attention: CD audio / aucune mesure de sécurité particulière requise.
NL_Waarschuwing: Audio-cd / geen speciale veiligheidsmaatregelen vereist.
SE_ Varning: Ljud-CD / inga särskilda säkerhetsåtgärder krävs.
PL_Ostrzezenie: Płyta audio CD / nie są wymagane żadne specjalne środki bezpieczeństwa.
Pepe, Michel
Terre d'Amour [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Magnificence [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
La Vallee Celeste [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Beaute Infinie [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Lumiere des Anges [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Serenite [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
La Foret d'Eden [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
La Purete de l’Esprit ...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Offrandes - Best of Mi...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Ocean de Lumiere [CD]
tribute to the magnificence of the ocean and to the aquatic people who lives there
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Natura Mystica [CD]
celebration of nature and spirituality
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
La Cascade Féerique [CD]
a magic journey to touch the nature’s fairy
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Elixir d'Amour [CD]
A music which caresses the soul and awakens a feeling of infinite love
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel & Logos
Harmonia Celesta [CD]
sacred merges in the celestial unlimitedness
19.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
L'Archange du Soleil [...
Hymn to angelic realm
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Immensite [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
L'Eveil du Lotus [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Lumières de Vie [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Le Chemin du Nirvana [...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Joyaux et Merveilles [...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Splendeur d'Eternite [...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Les Perles du Coeur [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel & Logos
Harmonia Terra [CD]
19.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Plenitude [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Presence de L'Ange [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Divine Oasis [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
La Source d'Emeraude [...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Alchimia d'Amore [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Floraisons Sacrees [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Transcendances [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Terre Celeste [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Diamant Solaire [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Purification [CD]
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel & Logos
Harmonia Millenium [CD]
19.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Le Jardin de Christal ...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Pepe, Michel
Les Ailes de Lumiere [...
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
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Monday - Friday
9:00 - 14:30
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