Invincible Living [4CDs] Guru Jagat

Invincible Living [4CDs]
Guru Jagat

Artikel-Nr. 34577 Erhältlich seit 08.01.2019 Label/Marke Sounds True EAN/UPC 9781683642183 Preisvergünstigungen

24,95 €
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Hörbuch und geführte Meditationen in Englisch: Kundalini Yoga is a results-driven practice that maintains a deep yogic heritage. Most refreshingly, these practices are accessible to anyone at any experience or fitness level - no hours of practice, matching spandex, or bendy backs needed. In Invincible Living: Kundalini Technology, leading global Kundalini teacher Guru Jagat presents a series of simple yet life-changing techniques. Candid, wise, and encouraging, Jagat is dedicated to helping others discover happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives. Join her to transform your experience of living with the high-velocity practices of Kundalini Yoga.
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