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„My music is strongly influenced by my travels to India where I came in contact with classical Indian music, spiritual music and the shakuhachi itself. Always looking for inspiration, I am thrived to create various musical landscapes. The outcome is music that is meant to create emotions,
pictures and a calm mind.
It‘s music that comes from the heart, an expression of the present moment, a reflection of the soul. Often the music starts with chimes or sounds from nature like running water or raindrops falling on the ground. Using this initial inspirations I start to improvise and the journey begins. With an open heart and mind, I always reach an unexpected state, being impressed where the music took me and about what I‘ve created“. Jacob Kyuan
Jacob‘s musical journey started with classical flute lessons at the age of 6. Three years later he started to learn the guitar and over the next 15 years he gained musical skills, explored a lot of instruments, and had several band projects. He met his wife Hanna, together they started traveling for two years, mostly in India and Nepal where Jacob came across a russian craftsman that made simple rimblow bambooflutes. Fascinated by the sound, he got one and started playing it. Inspired by the flutemaker he met, Jacob started to explore the field of flutemaking on his own. After a short period of try and error, he had decent results in bamboo shakuhachi style and wooden native american style flutes. After Jacob‘s daughter was born, his life changed radically. He decided to quit his job and to focus on fulltime flutemaking. Today Jacob is a successful flutemaker and musician. Always hunting for inspiration for his music and to develop new flutemaking skills.
SILENZIO AG - Badstraße 131 - 91349 Egloffstein - Tel.: 09197 6266280 -
Verantwortliche Person für die EU/Responsible person for the EU:
SILENZIO AG - Badstraße 131 - 91349 Egloffstein - Tel.: 09197 6266280 -
DE_Warnhinweise: Audio–CD / keine besonderen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erforderlich.
EN_Warning: Audio CD / no special safety measures required.
ES_Advertencia: CD de audio / no se requieren medidas de seguridad especiales.
IT_Avvertenza: CD audio / non sono necessarie misure di sicurezza particolari.
FR_Attention: CD audio / aucune mesure de sécurité particulière requise.
NL_Waarschuwing: Audio-cd / geen speciale veiligheidsmaatregelen vereist.
SE: Varning: Ljud-CD / inga särskilda säkerhetsåtgärder krävs.
PL_Ostrzezenie: Płyta audio CD / nie są wymagane żadne specjalne środki bezpieczeństwa.
Badstraße 131
91349 Egloffstein
Tel. (+49) 09197 6266280
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 14:30
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