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Ajeet Kaur
At The Temple Door [CD]
modern musical sensibilities meet the world of Mantra
22.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Ajeet Kaur
Sacred Waters: Flow fr...
contains music and written instructions for three powerful Kundalini Yoga meditations
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Gurunam Singh feat. Aj...
Touch Every Heart [CD]
contains two powerful meditations given by Yogi Bhajan and put to music by Gurunam Singh
20.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Snatam Kaur
Kundalini Yoga: Rechar...
Kundalini Yoga class with music
28.90 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery Available immediately |
Ajeet Kaur
Voices like Rain - Liv...
21.95 €
incl. VAT, plus delivery |
Badstraße 131
91349 Egloffstein
Tel. (+49) 09197 6266280
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 14:30
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